Military/Veterans Mental Health
Browse Related Strategy Recommendations
Fully implement the SERVE Act
The Department of Defense (DoD) should fully implement the Supporting Eating Disorders Recovery Through Vital Expansion (SERVE) Act, which allows for inpatient and outpatient treatment for eating disorders under TRICARE for dependants and active military personnel, and use its existing authorities to expand eating disorder treatment coverage to retired military families.[1][2][3]
Pass the RESPECT Act
Congress should pass the RESPECT Act, which would modernize the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) at the Department of Veterans Affairs, improving access to mental health services for veterans and their caregivers.[1][2]
Reexamine other than honorable discharges
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) should reexamine discharges that were Other than Honorable (OTH) so that more Veterans receive access to critical health benefits.
Streamline mental health services for Veterans
Congress should ensure that all Veterans of the U.S. military, regardless of where they live, can access critical health care services, including for mental health and substance use disorders (MH/SUDs). Congress should also continue to streamline the complicated and burdensome application process for disability benefits.